Mid-Cycle Review

Faculty entering their 3rd year in rank as tenure eligible faculty will be notified by the Office of Faculty Affairs that they are due for mid-cycle review (also called Probationary or Retention Reviews) and it can also be found in the faculty member's letter of offer.  This review is mandatory for all probationary faculty and will provide them with feedback on their accomplishments and suggestions for strengthening their dossier for future consideration for promotion and tenure or continuing status.

Promotion Process Mid-Cycle Review Timeline

  • Faculty due for mid-cycle review must prepare a dossier and CV for promotion following the instructions posted on the website of the Provost for Faculty Affairs.  Be sure to contact your Department P&T Cordinator for the correct forms and guidance. (CV Guidelines are found here)
  • The dossier must contain all materials normally provided by the faculty member when being considered for promotion, except that the department does not need to solicit letters from outside, independent evaluators.
  • The departmental Promotion and Tenure Committee and department head will review the dossier and report the results of their evaluation to the candidate. 
  • The dossier will then be forwarded to the Office of Faculty Affairs for review by the College of Medicine – Tucson Committee on Appointments, Promotion and Tenure (AP&T) and the Dean (or designee).  The results of these reviews will be communicated to the faculty member.
  • If the results of the review warrant the need for an interim review prior to the mandatory review year, the department or college AP&T committees , department head or dean may request an additional 4th- or 5th-year review.
  • The mid-cyle review is final at the college level unless the review results in a negative outcome.  In this event, the dossier will be forwarded to the University Standing Committee and the Provost. 

If you have questions regarding this review or the policies governing it, please contact your Department P&T Coordinator or the Office of Faculty Affairs, 626-4368.